Archive | May 2013

Anti-bullying bill pulled last week in Minnesota

The Minnesota House had passed a bill that would have required school districts to work with students and parents on policies to prevent bullying, investigate complaints and keep detailed records to strengthen school safety as well as implement additional staff training.  This bill will not get a final vote in the Minnesota Senate so supporters plan to bring back a revised bill next year.  More and more, current anti-bullying policies and protocols are being examined by our government officials as well as our schools.

Article Excerpt:

Supporters have said it would take Minnesota from having one of the weakest anti-bullying laws in the country to one of the strongest.

Opponents argued it was too expensive and overly directive. It would cost local districts roughly $20 million a year, according to a Minnesota Management and Budget analysis.

Dibble said he plans to revive the bill in 2014.

“This failure is only a setback. This bill remains a live bill,” he said in a prepared statement. “We will take it up first thing next February and put every word of it into law.”

Click here to read full article in the Pioneer Press. 

Note: You can visit for more information regarding your state’s anti-bullying policies and laws.